Dream Meaning of Backgammon

Dream Meaning of BackgammonDream Meaning of Backgammon

To see backgammon in a dream means that you will hit the jackpot.

To dream that you play backgammon indicates that one of your expectancies which you leave up to chance will happen. If you see another people who play the backgammon, it refers to your relative who will help you when you have a run of bad luck.

To win the backgammon in your dream signifies that you will get a success which even you don’t believe in. If you see that you lose the backgammon in your dream, it tells that you will handle an issue which you take risk of without having harm. Your family will react to you because of this risk you had about this issue.

To see chequer in your dream signifies that you will be lucky about monetary issues and get rid of financial problems. If you see that you lose chequer in your dream, this dream tells that you will share your gain with your friend but this person will show ingratitude to you.

To see the backgammon dice in your dream indicates that you will overcome the complexities in your emotional life, finish the problems with your spouse, have a new relationship which makes you happy. If you see that you lose the dice in your dream, this dream tells that you want to finish your relationship. 

To see of buying a backgammon in your dream may represent that you will win the self confidence and make your decisions about the future of you and people by yourself.

To see of selling or giving a backgammon in your dream indicates that you will leave up a decision about yourself to chance and at the end of the process, your expectancy will fulfill.

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