Dream Meaning of Pine

To see a pine tree in a dream refers to a new place, environment or new persons.

To see a pine cone in your dream indicates that there will be a school or job change and you will adapt to this condition as soon as possible.

A pinewood denotes that you will make new friendships and you should know them well.

To plant a pine tree in your dream suggests that you will change your home or any commodity in your house.

To see that you cut a pine tree in your dream implies that you will change your city because of job and you will stay there for a long time. This change will be positive for you.

To water, a pine tree in your dream indicates that you will have a problem with your friend and you will keep your distance from this person.

To plant a pine tree in a vase in your dream implies that you will keep your distance from some of your friends and this will be a positive issue in terms of your life.

To dream that you speak with a pine tree denotes that your children or a child who is close to you will do good and beneficial jobs.

To see that you are walking in a jungle with full of pine trees in your dream indicates that you will set up a business with your friend and you will carry on this business for a long time.

To see that you decorate a pine tree in your dream symbolizes a marriage for a single person. If you are married in reality, it means that a new person will join your family.

If you see an artificial pine tree in your dream, it means that you will hear good news and this news will influence you positively. If you see that you decorate an artificial pine tree in your dream, it signifies that you will advance in your business life and this will influence your family life positively.

To dream that you are sitting under a pine tree refers to marriage for a single person, separation for a married person.

To see that you are sleeping under a pine tree in a dream signifies your achievements in your school for a student, successes in your job for an employee.

To see that you are trying to climb a pine tree in your dream indicates that you will have problems in your marriage. You will get exhausted because you will be preoccupied with these troubles.

To put up a swing or hammock between two pine trees in your dream implies that there are people who envy you and compete with you at school, company.. etc. If you see that you are swinging or sleeping in your dream, it means that there are people who want to destroy your achievements in your business or school life. However, they won’t reach their goal.

To dream that you make a door, table, chair..etc from a pine tree or door, table, chair..etc from a pine tree are made signifies that you will turn some issues into a problem. You shouldn’t pay attention to these issues more because these are insignificant ones.


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