To see your son in your dream denotes that you will have abundance by any means. Alternatively, even you have not a son, you will live on the fat of the land.
To see a lot of sons in your dream suggests that you will have abundance too much and it will be continous.
To see that your son smiles at you in your dream indicates that your pray will come true.
To see that you have a son in your dream symbolizes that your financial expectation which seems like impossible will come true. To see that your son was born in your dream represents that this expectation will come true fastly. If you see that you have a bigger son in your dream, this dream is telling you that this expectation will require some time.
To see the childhood of your son in your dream signifies that you will be happy because you remember money or income being forgotten.
To see that your son is dead in your dream implies that you will earn money in a hard way.
To see that you beat your son in your dream symbolizes that you will ace your rivals out, you will be alone about an issue you interested in.
To see that your son gets married or engaged in your dream denotes that you will have inheritance from your relatives.
To see that you are angry with your son in your dream suggests that you will have success at the end of a struggle in work place ,but this success won’t bring you financial gain.
To see that your son divorces from his wife in your dream indicates that you will have a common work with your brothers/sisters and your children.
To see that your son has a child in your dream shows that you will have money which makes a living without working.
To see that you make love with your son in your dream implies that you will have financial loss.
To see that you travel with your son in your dream denotes that you will spend money for a wedding, meeting or party.
To see that you play with your son in your dream represents that you will have a long and enjoying journey.
To see that you kiss your son in your dream may represent that you will engage in trade. If your son kisses you, you will have profitable production.
To see that your son performs prayer, fastes and worships in your dream symbolizes that you will set up a business with your partner or spouse.
To see that you are eating with your son in your dream may represent that if the food is delicious then, you will have hallal gain; if the food is tasteless then, you will have forbidden by religion gain.
To see that your son sleeps in your dream signifies that your expectations about work won’t come true. If you see that your son wakes up, you will produce other solutions by giving up a bad work.
To see that your son is famous in your dream symbolizes that you will separate with your business partner and you will continue your work by yourself.
To see that your son uses alcohol and cigarette in your dream signifies that you will work with a new business partner by separating your old ones.
To see that your son cries in your dream implies that you will have a job offer from your relative.